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I have discovered it is really hard to be Queen in a household with 3 princesses! Somebody is always borrowing my tiara! Well in between hunting my stuff down I am the proclaimed Queen in the Land of fluff (where my husband swears one day that he will die from glitter lung (you get the picture!) Besides that I am a dieting, exercising, crafting, biblestudying kind of girl.
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Baptism-Paige and Grace!!

On September 11, 2010 - my two youngest daughters got baptized!! I was so excited about this for them! (My oldest was baptized a few years ago by my father-you talk about special) However we now attend a church that does "dunking" baptism, and I always felt that this was an important step for someone to take once they personally had accepted Christ into their heart and life as savior and Lord. The girls and us talked about how wearing a wedding ring doesn't make you "married" it is taking the wedding vows that make you married the wedding ring we wear to show others that we are married. Well that is how we view baptism. Baptism does not save you, but it shows others that you have made that personal decision to accept Christ into your heart.
We had joined a new church about a year ago that does baptism and we were just waiting until the girls decided that they were ready. I was so proud of them when they came to me and their daddy and talked to us about wanting to be baptized!! My heart swells with pride, tears come to my eyes as I remember the special time we had with the girls this night, and my oldest a few years ago.
As a parent it was such a joyful occasion a time to celebrate when your child decides to follow and obey God. I glimpse a little at how God must feel when we choose daily to follow him, and live through his power and strength and not our own.

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"
2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT


  1. Great photos!!
    How blessed we are all and how HAPPY that the girls made this GREAT decision at such an early age. Thanks for posting the photos!!

  2. Ahww -Proud momemnt indeed!
    BTW -Come by my blog -I've got an award for you! :)

  3. Oh, what a great event to celebrate. Congratulations.



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