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I have discovered it is really hard to be Queen in a household with 3 princesses! Somebody is always borrowing my tiara! Well in between hunting my stuff down I am the proclaimed Queen in the Land of fluff (where my husband swears one day that he will die from glitter lung (you get the picture!) Besides that I am a dieting, exercising, crafting, biblestudying kind of girl.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Planners, Organization

How do you stay organized?  Do you use the calendar on your smart phone?  Do you use a hard copy planner where you fill in each day's activities, or do you use Cozi family calendar that emails everyone each day their activities, or do you use a combination of all the above?

I know the Cozi family calendar which you can access online, or download the app has been very helpful in communicating between all of us in our family orthodontist appts, and games, etc... However, I also feel like I got more done on a day to day basis when I kept a hard copy planner with a "To do" list.  In fact, in this digital age that we live in since our appointments can be managed and communicated so accurately through digital ways I have found that I have stopped keeping a "to do" list.  Which to my horror, when I slowed down and started to evaluate myself over the last 6 months I realized that I had kept appointments,  but other than that I had not really accomplished much of anything. (example: a craft project, a new recipe, etc...)  So I am going to keep my digital help, but I am also going to go back to my old fashion write it down on paper, and check it off "to do" list.

What do you do?

1 comment:

  1. I use the calendar in my phone and another app called informant. I still keep a written list of the to do items, and most of the dates I continue to keep in my own memory bank. You never know when technology will fail - or your memory bank.



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