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I have discovered it is really hard to be Queen in a household with 3 princesses! Somebody is always borrowing my tiara! Well in between hunting my stuff down I am the proclaimed Queen in the Land of fluff (where my husband swears one day that he will die from glitter lung (you get the picture!) Besides that I am a dieting, exercising, crafting, biblestudying kind of girl.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top 10 signs that you need to go on a diet

10. You haven't had a veggie in month unless it was in a casserole.

9. Water? You mean it's for more than bathing?

8. The only dead-lifts you do daily is emptying the dishwasher

7. When you inputted your "today's weight" on "lose it" app, you swear you heard your iPhone gasp!

6. You may or may not have outgrown the last pair of jeans you have.

5. You can't find one picture of you taken over the holidays that you liked.

4. You don't remember where you put your sports bra at or what color it was

3. The only squat you do during the day is getting out of bed

2. There is dust on your scale

1. You have almost outgrown your yoga pants!!!!!!!!

So yes I weighed in yesterday, and I am beginning to try to lose weight and get health. I refuse to be depressed or discouraged. It's ok, I'm just a work in progress!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A little warning would have been nice!

I'm a mom of 3 girls. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant with our oldest. I could not wait to get my hands on the book "What to expect while your expecting". I poured over this book reading every page for the remaining of my pregnancy.

I was prepared! Ha! Yes, for a lot of what happened to my body when I was pregnant, yes I was prepared. The book even warned about postpartum depression.

The book however did not not to warn me of the following(nor did any other book that I have read):

*the wonderful feeling of being able to "retire" the diaper bag & resume carrying that thing called a purse again

*how my heart with swell with pride. When my little one's eyes meet mine & their face broke into a huge grin

*How you get that little nudge in your heart when your ready to have another one.

* how even when you know your done having babies. Your family is complete, there's a part of you that gets a little depressed that you will never again feel the flutter of a little baby kicking inside you.

*how great it is when you can holler "let's go!" And everyone can go get in the car & buckle themselves-yes!

* how you a sane, calm, we'll adjusted grown up can feel such rage rush through your bones when one of your daughter's is crying & in emotional pain from bullying. (How can you feel that much anger towards a 6 year old little girl! Momma bears understand, who knew!)

* how old you would feel to go shopping with a teen in a poorly lighted, loudly playing music, over priced store would make you feel

* you will one day have to "teach" your daughters all the things you do without thinking (washing your hair, shaving your legs, waxing your eyebrows,applying eye liner )

* or the realization that all your babies have outgrown the "kid sized" hangers! (Seriously, this felt like an elbow to the rib cage)

*how as a mom of 3 girls I would constantly be hunting down my stuff! (Where's my____________? Feel free to insert nail polish remover, hair spray, earrings, etc...)

*or how weird it is to teach your kid to drive.

*how you pray for children throughout the day no matter how old they get.

*how you will be a chauffeur, a geography expert, explain how you vote & why, you thought your parents asked a lot of questions (where are you going? With who? What time do you plan on being back? It was really training for all the questions that your kids one day would ask you)

Now those are the things I wish that someone had warned me about!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Who am I?

Who am I? What do I enjoy doing? What am I doing? Sometimes those answers come so quickly to my mind. At other times they cause me to pause. What I enjoy doing, is changing. I have always enjoyed crafting but I am currently enjoying learning some new skills! As well as picking up some old ones again. I have started crocheting which is completely new! As well as embroidering (which my grandma taught me when I was a young teen) and smashing! A version of art journal, scrap booking combined. A new hobby sorta of, but very fun!

I am trying to learn to enjoy life. For the simple pleasures that are offered each day, not necessarily for marking off my to do list.

I have gained the weight back that I worked so hard to lose. It was a frustrating time. I went through depression over the summer and did not even care that I was putting it back on. However I have started some anti depressant and am feeling like my old self again. So like the saying goes. If your unhappy about something, your not a tree- get up & do something about it. So tomorrow on e again I renew my commitment to exercise and eat better. We shall see if good health follows. I hope so!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dementia sucks!

Dementia sucks! There I said it. It is horrible for the person forgetting stuff when they are aware they are forgetting. It's awful when they reach the next stage and grow confused and scared by people telling them what they are not aware they have now forgotten.

It sucks for the family trying to provide care, giving the family member their respect and helping them keep their dignity while keeping them safe. There is no clear way to proceed since dementia can present itself differently in each person. There is not a "Emily Post" manners & etiquette book written for helping your loved ones with dementia.

It really, really sucks when the person having dementia grows paranoid and confused by the care provided by the family when the persons body is still capable but the mind is losing ground quickly with chunks of daily routine memory slipping from their mind like pieces if loose dirt falling from a road.

It is such a painful hurt that makes my heart ache each day as I see my grandma struggling with this. My mom and my aunt making tough decisions. I cry, & wonder how God will use this. What purpose will this bring about. Though I struggle to grasp and see the bigger picture, that for now, is not in my view. I will trust what I know to be true. God is good! God is love! And God is in control even in my grandma's confusion & pain. God is good! So I stand & praise you My Lord! I'm in awe of you & cling to you in my pain. You are my shelter!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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