I look into the stores and all I see is Green and Red. I wonder down the candy aisle (yes, I know my hips wish I would not!) and I see the candy Christmas kisses and candy canes stocked on the the shelves. I watch the evening news and they tell me because of the economy is down, retailers are now stretching the Christmas season to begin the day after Halloween. Well let me tell you (yes, I feel a lot like Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life" when he is telling people that they needed to save the old building and loan.) Well girls we need November and Thanksgiving if for no other reason it allows us to prepare our hearts, our minds, and our homes for the Christmas season!!

The Christmas season is filled with the gimme Me's. Just look at how marketers encourage you to make a "Wish List". Don't believe me take a minute and think about the The Great Big Christmas Book, or Toy land Catalog marketed for our kids to make their "wish list" up or the Lexus commercials geared to us older kids. Marketers have made the Christmas season about "what do I want" to every individual out there. Well Let's start in November remembering what we have been blessed with.

Let's take the next 21 days and prepare our hearts,with an attitude of Thankfulness that helps prepare us for the Christmas season ."In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. "Thessalonians 5:18 Take a look at what you fill your mind, and your time with. Are you starting to be frazzled, looking at the calendar thinking about how the marketers are wanting you to feel about the holidays. Well just stop! This is the beauty of November take a deep breath make a game plan and prepare. Do not let anyone cheat you out of November!!

I always prepare my house for the holidays by first - CLEANING IT OUT!! How do you plan to put anything new into your homes, (AKA your kids bedrooms) without first cleaning out the junk, the things that are broken, things that are no longer used, things that have been out grown. Just making a pile of things to donate or have a garage sale helps make it abundantly clear how really blessed we are!!! I also do not want to struggle with dealing with C.H.A.O.S. (can't have anyone over syndrome -this is from the fly lady) during the holiday season. I want my house to be a warm inviting home, to my friends and family as well as my children's friends. The only way that will be possible is if I take the time to get things cleaned and organized now!!
So don't overlook November - we need November to help us enjoy the Christmas season and share the joy of Christ with others through out December. Remember you can not share what you do not have - so make sure that you will have joy in your heart during December by taking the steps necessary to enjoy December right now!! Prepare your heart and your families heart to make the trip to the manger this Christmas!

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
(p.s. for those following my blog I am thankful that I have a husband that works on project for me and I will post pictures of the completed projects when he has completed the kitchen, and yes, I will be thankful for that! and no I have not been holding out on you it is just taking longer than we anticipated!)
I can't stand how they skip right over Thanksgiving (which happens to be my favorite holiday!). Plus, it just makes Christmas that much longer to get here.