About Me

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I have discovered it is really hard to be Queen in a household with 3 princesses! Somebody is always borrowing my tiara! Well in between hunting my stuff down I am the proclaimed Queen in the Land of fluff (where my husband swears one day that he will die from glitter lung (you get the picture!) Besides that I am a dieting, exercising, crafting, biblestudying kind of girl.
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Monday, January 2, 2012

National Weigh in day!

Well it's that time of year again. One that inspires us to either jump on the diet band wagon, or buy bigger clothes depending on how we chose to deal with possible weight gain from the holidays, or life. I enjoyed the last week, totally off my diet, I went to the movies with my hubby and ate popcorn, snacked on a few forbidden treats that had been off limits to me this last year, and only hit the gym 2 times last week. Ugh! I guarantee it, I am feeling it today!!!
I am weighing in today, which just so happens to be "National Weigh in day". I will post what the damage was for the last week, um.. or two. I hope it is not to bad. 2011 brought me a 60 pound weight loss, I am hoping that I can make good healthy choices, so that 2012 will bring me a 40 pound weight loss that will have me reaching my goal of 100 pounds!!!

"I don't need easy. I just need possible" ...Bethany Hamilton, Soul Surfer movie.

So it might not be easy to loose these last 40 pounds, but I know, I know! (now) that it is possible, so I am planning right now my success. I will post more on what I am doing, the little steps, and the little choices, that I am making that is going to allow me to hit my goal.


  1. Now that's just cruel to have weigh-in day right after Christmas!

  2. Congratulations on your weight loss! And all the best for losing the next 40 lbs. My goal was to lose 30 this year; however, I've gained 10 since September (broke my foot in October and had a difficult time getting back to my exercise routine). I'm looking forward to reading how you are doing!



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