2 miles run/walking/falling
You see I was jogging enjoying the wonderful weather, the beautiful view (down on riverside drive) when I fell (just rolled my ankle - over what I am not even sure!!) . When I was falling I put my hands up to brace for impact and well the left arm bone was shoved into my elbow joint on impact. --OUCH!!! However what does any red blooded woman do???
Well we quickly look around to make sure no one is videoing your fall to upload to YouTube -whew! Doesn't look like it - one very nice biker stopped to see if I was OK, but did I mention he asked "mam, are you OK?" I don't know what was worse being called "Ma'am" or being on the ground hurt. So of course I thank the nice gentleman, as I brush myself off, and get up and finish my jog and go to Starbucks for a coffee before my pride allows me to inventory possible injuries. Thus when I realized I had started to loose the use of my left hand and decided it was time to call wonderful hubby in to take me to the urgent care.
Did I tell you that my whole family is trying to give me away for free right now - I am horrible patient, who feels bad, likes to whine, and really sick of being in my house - who can not right now tie her shoes or clasp her own bra. Thus unless it is coffee with the girlfriends (who do not care if I am bra less) I have been pretty much stuck in my house driving everyone crazy.
So how is that for keeping it real??????